Source – The Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA), the world’s largest certifying organization for aquatic fitness programming, has set forth the following guidelines based on the current aquatic fitness research and knowledge of exercise physiology, biomechanics,kinesiology and the physical properties of water. These guidelines may help to minimize risk of injury and provide optimal benefit […]
Resources & News
Fitness Australia Resource Library Fitness Australia understands that business owners are wearing so many hats and wanted to make it easierfor you to find current information about HR requirements, changes in superannuation laws and both State andFederal requirements regarding contracting. They have put together the following resource library to assist business members in adhering to […]
Austswim Aqua Guidelines
Source – AUSTSWIM encourages aquatic activity for all community members and is committed to proactivelyaddressing strategies within the Australian Water Safety Council’s(AWSC) drowning prevention plan.Creating opportunities for more aqua professionals addresses a key priority area within the AWSCStrategy 2016 ‐ 2020. For some, the aquatic environment is often the only effective setting in which […]
Aqua Base Moves Breakdown
The difference between a good aqua instructor and an expert one is the ability to share with participants additional insights and tips that will help them get the best out of their workout, writes aqua fitness specialist Dominic Gili. Inspiration comes in many shapes and forms and often going back to basics is the most effective […]
Author – Mel Morony – ePublication of Australian Fitness Network – Resources Library. To get more people involved in organised exercise, we must be more inclusive. From increasing cultural awareness to learning simple language skills, instructing beyond your comfort zone will reap benefits for everyone involved, writes instructor Mel Morony. Imagine it is your first […]
Fitness Industry Award Increases
Source – Fitness Australia website The decision, which was handed down on 19 June 2020, provided for a 1.75% increase to minimum wages, but staggered the increase across three ‘groups’ to reflect the extent to which COVID-19 impacted different industries. This is the final group of awards to increase and the reason for this delayed increase is that […]
Water exercise improves health-related quality of life of frail elderly people at day service facility
Authors – Daisuke Sato 1, Koichi Kaneda, Hitoshi Wakabayashi, Takeo Nomura PMID: 17952697 DOI: 10.1007/s11136-007-9269-2 – Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of water exercise at a day service facility and the effects of water exercise frequency on health-related quality of life (HRQL). Methods: Participants (n = 30) were randomly separated into three groups: two indicating exercise frequency, […]
ARI Industry Newsletter
Top stories from Aquatic & Recreational Institute NSW – August 2020 Edition
Frisbee Fitness H2O
Author – Dominic Gili – ePublication of Australian Fitness Network – Resources Library. Lightweight, portable and easily available, the frisbee can facilitate a challenging workout when used as an aquatic tool, writes aqua educator Dominic Gili. THE 30-SECOND ARTICLE The frisbee can be given a whole new range of skills when it is immersed in water […]
Aquatic High Intensity Interval Training for Cardiometabolic Health
Authors – Elizabeth F. Nagle, PhD, Mary E. Sanders, PhD, and Barry A. Franklin, PhD High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has emerged as an attractive alternative to traditional continuous exercise training (CT) programs for clinical and healthy populations who find that they can achieve equal or greater fitness benefits in less time. Land-based HIIT may not be an […]